Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid 19

Hari ni entah hari ke berapa sejak pkp dijalankan tak terasa nak membilang hari bila tgk keadaanya bagai tiada henti. Tapi kita tak harus berhenti mengharap... terus mengharap kepada Allah semoga keadaan ini segera berakhir. Sangat sedih rasa hati bila pkp ini berlangsung tanpa suami tanpa suasana hiruk pikuk di rumah sendiri. I miss my home a lot. Tak dapat nak merayu kepada sesiapa pun to bring me and children back to my home sweet home. Seminggu dua di sini masih kuat tapi sekarang semangat itu sudah pudar... hari demi hari rasa makin lemau sudah tiada kekuatan, hari-hari dirasakan semakin suram. Beberapa hari lagi akan menempuh bulan Ramadhan... sudah lama sujudku tidak berimamkan my soul mate, sudah lama salam solatku tidak disambut dengan zikir dan doa darimu, sudah lama tidak mengucup tanganmu penguat semangatku....  Ya Allah hanya kepadamu ku panjatkan doa agar semangatku semakin kuat, hanya kepadaMu ku pohon agar bawalah ku dekat dengan suamiku rumahku...

Pandanglah aku hembuskan nafasmu
Kerana aku amat merindukanmu
Janganlah jangan kau jauh dariku
Tanpa wajahmu kelam duniaku

Bisikan aku katakan cintamu
Kerna suaramu bersyair laguku
Dendangkan aku dengarkan padaku
Dakaplah aku wahai kekasihku

Bila bermimpi kamu
Jaga dari tidur ku
Aku sebut nama mu
Aku seru cinta mu

Engkaulah kekasihku
Hanya engkau nyawa ku
Aku lah perindu mu
Aku lah pencinta mu

Bawaku bersama mu
Agar hilang resah ku
Eratkan dakapan mu
Dekatlah pada ku

Cinta berpadu

Rindunya rumahku rindu nak mendeko denganmu... gambar rumah sendiri tak ada so sumber dari facebook ku abadikan di sini deko2 impian

Monday, April 6, 2020

Covid 19

From my beloved friend, Syaida dear. Thank you so much 😊 wrote this for your students and for me

Dear all,

Looking at the trend presented by Ministry of Health for the past few weeks, the widespread of COVID-19 is not going to end anytime soon. 

People from all walks of life are affected. Every day we hear many people lose their loved ones due to this dreaded virus. Some are separated from their families and have to endure the pain of loneliness. Thousands of people experience pay cuts and lose their jobs as employers could no longer pay them. There are parents who have to plead for help just to make sure they can feed their starving children and some are so helpless as they can only watch and cry. Not forgetting, some women and children have to face domestic violence ever since the implementation of Movement Control Order (MCO).

As your class teacher, I must say that I am worried. It is truly daunting when we don’t even have the slightest idea of what does the future hold for us.  I know some of you may be experiencing the difficulties that I mentioned above. However, I still feel that we have to be grateful since our situation is not as critical as Italy and Unites States.

I do feel it is my responsibility to keep your morale high during these challenging times. 
Hence, I would like to remind all of you to:

🌸 practise / maintain good hygiene 
🌸 wash or sanitise your hands regularly
🌸 practise social distancing
🌸 prevent the spread of rumours or fake news. Verify your sources. 
🌸 spend quality time with your family members. Be kind. Be considerate. Be helpful. Remember not everyone has the chance to spend time with their loved ones as some of them are front-liners and have to sacrifice their lives for you. 
🌸 use your free time wisely. Try to develop and stick to a REGULAR STUDY ROUTINE which helps prevent procrastination
🌸 keep up with the quizzes/ tasks that are assigned by your subject teachers

That’s all from me. Take care. Be safe. We need to win this warπŸ’•
