You're very mean...
Dah bnyak usaha yang kubuat utk turunkan berat ni. Nk turunkan 1-2 kg pun payah. Sebelum ni berat ku 72.3kg alhmdulillh sejak berprogram dgn SIF dah berjaya turunkan 5 kg dalam 10 hari bagiku satu program diet dan life style yg terbaik pernah kulakukan. Yakin sangat2 jika buat program ni dgn bersungguh2 pasti dpt turunkan berat dan dapat sihat atas kehendak Nya. Jom pm Nai 0125977446.
Labels: Byoung
Selamat pengantin baru buat Acik dan Nazreen. 26 Okt 2019 at Grand Puteri Hotel. Alhamdulillh majlis berjalan dengan lancar dan sempurna mengikut perancangan. Servis dan staff hotel juga terbaik. Semoga acik dan Nazreen tercipta utk bersama till jannah. Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati bahtera rumahtangga yang baru dibina...
Best tempat karaoke kat i city central sesuai utk bawak anak2. Ada juga family room ada mini playground sesuai utk family kami ni. Air pun blh refill dan ada macam2 jenis air.
Labels: karaoke
Through the years, you've never let me down,
You turned my life around,
the sweetest days I've found,
I've found with you...
Through the years,
I've never been afraid,
I've loved the life we've made,
And I'm so glad I've stayed,
right here with you, through the years.
I know I am so blessed
To have someone like you
To be with me and hold my hands
To help me make it through
Trm kasih ibu dan kakak atas jambangan bunga dan coklat... love it
I am definitely blessed to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends and I would like to thank everyone who had taken a few minutes of their time yesterday to wish me a Happy Birthday and say a little prayer for me.
May we ALL continue to have a happy and blessed life. Thank you Allah
Labels: Birthday
Diijabkabul pada 4 Feb 2019, Isnin.
Labels: Aiman and Husna