Friday, June 25, 2021

 Hi all amazing women, 

When you are happy, you will be at your best!

Nothing motivates people more than the feeling of happiness.  Happiness is without definition because it means something different to everybody.  You will take the actions to be the best you that you can be simply because you are happy and exhume positive energy which will attract the same energy to you!

Focus on What You Need, Not What You Want

A balanced life with needs met optimizes happiness.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Bagaimana penjagaan ibu-ibu di musim Covid ni? Saya sentiasa pastikan anak2 sekeluarga ambil vit C setiap hari, dewasa 2 bj pg 2 bj ptg. Kanak-kanak 1 bj pg 1 bj ptg

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Satu-satunya peneman di kala hati ini meruntun merintih kesakitan otot2 , di kala lutut ni rasa sengal, di kala tumit ini rasa berdenyut2 alhmdulillh dengan izin Allah kesakitan itu terasa surutnya terasa sembuh. Syukur ya Allah thank you Allah 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021
